Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I am most confused in this world at present. It's taken some time to find my way back here but here I am alive and, well, here. Time is a healer they say but I always wonder who are they? They seem to know so much and if they know so much why be so secretive about who they are.

Anyway it's been a time spell since I've had the urge and things have changed at things in general do in life and outside of it.

I need a new beginning and I wonder if it's worth the chance the risk the effort. Will it be fruitful will it be useful will it be popular will it make a difference and if it doesn't does it matter or does it have to.

That's where I'm at for now. I need to know that this is separate in life from the rest of my life so therefore I will have to commit to performing some tests.

I'll keep you informed.

As ever I am here.